5 Things Rick And Morty Teach Us

Remso W. Martinez
3 min readAug 18, 2017


Watching the news, surfing the web, and even walking around my hometown, I think I’ve figured something out- people are angry and take themselves way to seriously about stuff that ultimately doesn’t matter.

We need heroes, we need innovators, and while we have those individuals amongst us, most of American society doesn’t care. We need to admit it, we’d rather talk about Kardashian sex tapes, call people racists, and virtue signal about stuff we really don’t care about.

This is why “Rick and Morty” isn’t the show we deserve, it’s the show we need…

1.“It’s stupid” is what uncultured people say

Rick and Morty has more current events, cultural references, and captivating plots in one episode than most “entertainment” channels. If you aren’t interested in the culture around you, you won’t understand Rick and Morty at all. While the show can probably be enjoyed by someone whose lived under a rock for a decade, you need to do you homework. Besides, the jokes alone require you to do more thinking compared to jokes thrown out by “mainstream” comedians like Amy Schumer push out.

2. It reminds us of our need to stop ripping each other off

Rick is ripping people off constantly, and people return the favor by ripping him off constantly, and Morty, his family, and basically the universe are put at risk in the process. Hmmmm… Kinda looks like what we see all day on the news right? If you aren’t learning positive moral values from this show, you’re doing something wrong.

3. Rick is a reflection of a forgotten class of producers

He can’t trust anyone, he drinks, and he isn’t prone to volunteering to help people. Each time Rick creates something, someone comes in and attempts to exploit him. We do that everyday to producers- we take away their gifts and their pride and then we wonder why everything turns to crap when they leave. No wonder Rick is so bitter, wouldn’t you be?

4. Rick and Morty show diversity doesn’t matter- just individualism

The media behaves like race pimps, and college campuses teach students the racial and ethnic ladder of superiority of “equality.” Rick treats everyone equally regardless of species, planet, you name it; he’s an equal opportunity hater and frankly, maybe we should be too.

5. People need to stop taking everything so seriously

I don’t watch this show to be enlightened, I watch it to be entertained. While every comedic show is making Trump jokes or ticking off one half of the country or another, Rick and Morty is paving the way for content that is actually original. It doesn’t take itself seriously, and neither should you.

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Remso W. Martinez
Remso W. Martinez

Written by Remso W. Martinez

Journalist, bestselling author, and social media coordinator. Topics covered here: digital marketing | blockchain & crypto | business | mindset | watches

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