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Five Steps to Help You Handle Difficult Customers
The decision is yours as to whether the situation ends positively or explodes
As someone that has been both a business owner and an average retail employee, I’ve dealt firsthand with customers that have ranged from difficult to outright heinous. Here are the five steps for anyone ranging from freelancers to entrepreneurs and every other job in between.
1. Never Take it Personally
Sometimes a nasty customer will do everything from attack your business or employer and perhaps try and hit you personally with some untrue, false words meant to provoke a response. The biggest thing to know about this is that this person is in a desperate state, and they want to bring you down with them.
Desperate people do desperate things, and they will do anything to solicit a dramatic response on their level so they can justify themselves as a victim and force you to lose control of the entire situation.
Just by knowing upfront these customers aren’t saying anything that is true will help you deflect their poisonous words as well as keep a cool head so you can find the best way to end the situation on a somewhat amicable note as possible.