Member-only story
Getting More out of Your Blog
Don’t let your best work be a one time flash
You’ve written a great op-ed or research piece, and I’m talking about a big, flashy one with hundreds of shares and mentions. At the end of this rainbow maybe, just maybe, you’ll get that Fox News interview you’ve been dreaming about since you started getting involved in all of this political nonsense back in college. For five or ten minutes, you’re painting the town red and feeling like Justin Timberlake in a crowd of faceless groupies. A day has passed, and now everyone is focused on the next talking point and scandal of the week. Your article talking about something which might address an issue immediately affecting people’s lives has been brushed aside because someone tweeted something mean. How can you compete with the monetized rage machine known as the 24/7 news cycle? You do it easily by making your content work for you.
Make Your Article Into a Live-Stream or Podcast
Let me give you some straight truth here if you haven’t learned this hard fact of life already; people don’t read past the headlines much, and if they do, they probably don’t really read too much into the article. There are a…